Lisa Bühl film photography about contact deutsch

Lisa Bühl
film photography about contact deutsch

filmmaker & cinematographer

Documentary // 72’ // 2018

Director: Lisa Bühl
Cinematography: Laura Sanz
Production: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Lisa Bühl

In the late 1970's Horst follows his heart and decides to move from a suburb in Germany to glamorous New York City. A young, gay man with no money, no job and no knowledge of English, but a strong will. On a warm spring day in May 1992 he dies in his New Yorker apartment from his struggle with AIDS. With fragments such as letters and found footage the film takes its audience on a personal journey to follow Horst's footsteps and takes on the question what really stays after a person's gone.

Funded by Film-und Medienstiftung NRW 2016
Hof International Filmfestival 2018 , Nominated for GRANIT documentary price
Kolkata International Filmfestival 2019
Ventanas UNAL Bogotá 2019
Semi Finalist BIFF Sweden 2022
Lower East Side Filmfestival New York 2023